Hello everyone,
How have you all been over the last couple of weeks? I’ve been locked away writing a new novel and I have to say it’s my favourite so far, you really are in for a treat with this one, and what makes it even better is the main character is my ideal man, 5ft 9inch tall, dark hair, clean shaven and blue eyes, now I just need to manifest him from my novel in to my life! Any ideas how?
So, it’s Easter this week and a lovely 4-day bank holiday, what’s everyone’s plans? I don’t really have any, apart from the fact we’re still in lockdown, but I’m taking advantage of the lock down to get some relaxing time before all the mayhem starts, because trust me, I can assure you will be seeing me everywhere. I have every intention of getting out there and getting seen, so keep a look out for book signings, reviews, meet and greets, it’s going to be very exciting over the next few months.
During the last few weeks, I asked the lovely people of face book to help me with some book titles for future releases. I’m pleased to say I have received some amazing titles and the ones that are chosen will received a signed first copy of the book once it is released, and of course you will all be the first to know.
I have some exciting news for you regarding social media, keep a look out for me on Pinterest and Tic Toc, all the videos will be available on these sites, so even more exciting times ahead.
Well, I’ll leave you all in peace and wish you a very happy Easter and remember if you have any questions you want to ask, feel free to message me either on here or on any of the social media sites:
Face Book: @AuthorALB
Twitter: @AnnaLeighBooks
Instagram: @AnnaLeighBrooksAuthor
Take care,
Anna-Leigh x
PS. I hope you liked the 'Soldier Dipping' image for this week's post. It just seemed to appropriate for the Jamie and Jess stories!!!
It’ll be an interesting read, I had many years of love, companionship and fun with a lady older than me.
Oh, the joys of ‘The Bowl’ and ‘Sports and Social'.
Wasn’t sure what level you were going for but it seems like the sort of thing Katie and I will enjoy for sure!
Good read so far Mrs.
Tom’s Just read the first chapter and it’s very raunchy
Just read Chapter 1, I am really looking forward to getting your book. I reckon you’ll have a best seller!
The wife wouldn't give up the book so I bought another copy for myself